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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Change icon of your REMOVAL DISK

So, guys it had been quite busy schedule, I am back again. In this post I am going to tell you a method on how to change icon for a removable disk. ( all disk drive, CD/DVD or pendrive or any USB drives) into your favorite pic.

just follow the step.

  1. Select a pic for icon for your removable disk.
  2. Rename it as somthing.ico (make sure the image is small, if not use microsoft office picture manager to reduce its size and resolution).
  3. Open notepad and copy following code.
          here lable is name of your removable disk and icon is the image which you want to use as its icon
     4.  Now save the file as autorun.inf
     5.  Now copy both your files into the removable disk.

You may keep these files as hidden so that no one could see it.

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