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Monday, April 25, 2011

How to hide any confidential data in notepad

Do you have some data which you want to hide from everyone? Some confidential stuffs or list of your passwords? In this post I am going to tell you about a simple method to hide all your data in a notepad or .txt file.
Here is how to do this:
  • Open command prompt, (write cmd.exe in search box and hit enter)
  • now type cd desktop ( as I am using my desktop for creating that file, you can use any drive depending upon your choice, it should better have a NTFS file system for this trick to work properly )
  • Now let us choose the file name as abc.
  • Write notepad abc.txt: hidden exactly in the command prompt. ( abc is the name of the file, you can choose any name of your choice )

  • A window will appear asking you if you want to create a notepad file with name abc.txt click yes.
  • Now the notepad file will open up, just put in all your data and save the file by either file>save or ctrl + s.
  • Now, if you go to the specified directory and will open the file you will find nothing written inside it. So, then how to view the content.
  • Just open the cmd.exe type the exact previous command notepad abc.txt: hidden. Now the notepad will open up with all your data.

 "This was a guest post submitted by Anshu, he is a currently working as a student"

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